work with me



  • Transform with Quantum Reiki Therapy: Receive Healing Energy, Guided Wisdom and More! - 60 min or 90 minute sessions

    Step into a safe, relaxing space where mental, emotional, and physical relief and higher guidance is just a session away.

    Using over 26 years of Reiki Master expertise, I’ll guide you through a transformative healing experience. My Quantum Reiki Therapy clears your blocked energy, restores balance, and aligns you with divine flow for greater peace and vitality.

    During each session, I receive direct messages for you from spirit, providing exciting insights and advise that can help ease your journey. These insights offer clarity and direction, helping you navigate life with more ease.

    I may also incorporate sound healing, tarot or oracle cards, or my Quantum Key Method to remove blocks that’s been keeping you stuck.

    You’ll leave feeling lighter, empowered, and deeply connected to your highest self, with practical steps to align you with your desires.

  • Quantum Key is a method where we zero in on the core energy or a memory that what is holding you back. If you feel like you keep experiencing the same problems, likely there is something that needs to be cleared.

    Did you know we can actually also carry the energetic patterns from our ancestors from generations back?

    We don’t only inherit our eye color, and health history…..we also can inherit patterns and limiting beliefs that could have been unintentionally handed down from generation to generation.

    We clear the root energetically, and follow up with enhancement of my signature Quantum Reiki.

    Often we use Biofield Tuning Forks to clear vibrationally past lifetimes, inherited patterns and current lifetime patterns.

  • Having manifested a long list of accomplishments by getting out of my own way. I help you to Unlock your Highest Potential.

    Most of us were taught how ambition, assertiveness, persistence are the keys to success. Yes, but there is an element that can hold us back.

    Our mindset, hidden beliefs and energy. Or not knowing where to look or what is the next step.

    We can "try" with all we have, and maybe you don't know how to get the movement towards your dreams. They may seem too big and you don't know how....or maybe you are stuck.

    Also we will help you to learn to listen to the subtilties in the language of the Universe. You maybe missing some epiphanies that show up in your everyday. Learning the secret language that is available to you in every moment gives you peace as you to flow with greater ease towards your goal.

    I help you to achieve your goals by adding the layer of you being able to confidently tap into insight from the invisible realm at any moment. Which is incredibly valuable to help you make empowered choices and direction.

    You will easily connect to your inner wisdom, gain clarity, and elevate your path in life.

    We will also provide next step achievable mini goals in the realization of your dreams.

    Whether you're seeking direction, personal growth, a new job, create a business, better relationships. I’m here to guide you toward a more vibrant, empowered version of yourself.

  • Let’s tap into what is energetically behind your circumstances so you can see it from a higher perspective. What is spirit wanting to tell you to help you?

    As an energy teacher I take a look at the whole message, see the energy behind what is going and receive higher guidance for you.

    We chat around what is the highest and best for you, and how to navigate for the highest outcome for yourself, and can you change the circumstances? How to call in divine assistance to work with you, understand clues they put into your life to lead you.

    Walk away with peace, and wisdom to help you to the best, most loving and happiest path for you.

  • Item description

  • 1x1 virutal SESSIONS

    I offer private sessions online.

    60 or 90 minutes


    Embark on an extraordinary mentorship journey that fuses powerful coaching with insightful consciousness and energy teachings, designed to help you master your life confidently and clearly.

    This program offers you access to transformative tools, spiritual wisdom, and universal truths that will forever alter how you handle life’s complexities.

    You’ll gain the confidence to trust your inner guidance, step into flow, allowing you to navigate each day with ease.

    Get ready to elevate your mind, body, and soul while stepping into a life of true empowerment and purposeful living while becoming a magnetic manifester!

how you work

Don’t see what you’re looking for? I can customize my coaching programs to match your personal learning style.